
The Upgrade feature provides a smooth flow to help users easily navigate through the process of migrating to a newer version of the Code System that their resource depends on.

The upgrade is available for Value Sets, Reference Sets, Reference Set Collections, and Concept Maps.

Only enterprise owned resources can be upgraded.

You need write access to perform any sort of upgrade related actions.

The tags are displayed both in the Resources page list and the Overview tab of the selected resource.

This will navigate users to the Upgrade dashboard.

The impact of the upgrade can be examined and addressed in the analysis report.

Upgrade flows

Running an upgrade is possible for single resources or Reference Set Collections.

In general, the two flows are the same in terms of the content validation types, but while the single resource upgrade only completes the process for the selected resource, the latter does that for the entirety of the Collection, i.e. all Reference Sets included in the selected Collection will undergo the upgrade process. This implies slight differences in the analysis as well, which are highlighted on the next page.