Organization Profile

The Info tab of an Organization Profile looks fairly similar to a User Profile, providing general information about the organization, as well as listing the resources owned by the selected organization and the members of the organization.

Clicking on an organization avatar listed in the Organizations section of the User Profile will take you to the Organization Profile page.


The Contributors tab presents a list view of all the members of an Organization with details about their roles. Member roles can be specified on this page using the dropdown next to each member row.



Is able to see the members and the teams of an organization, but has no administrative rights.


Is able to maintain the members, teams, and resources of an organization.


Is the sole owner of an organization and can create the initial list of contributors. Is able to manage billing settings and delete the organization.

You can only invite new members if you are the Owner or the Maintainer of an Organization.

New members will be Collaborators by default.

Check the boxes of the required members and press the Edit role option, then choose the new role from the options offered.

Just check the boxes of the required members and press the Remove from organization option.


Members can be divided into Teams, giving more structure to an Organization.

In case of a new Team, the Add members hyperlink also gives you quick access to the new member wizard.

Just check the boxes of the required teams and press the Delete selected teams option.