
To export a Local Code System set to an Excel file, go to:

📤 File > Export > Snow Owl > Local Code Systems Excel Export then click Next.

📤 On the next page, where all the available Local Code Systems are listed, check the boxes to select for export. You may filter the Local Code Systems to find your result. Hit Next to start the export.

📤 Specify the file name and file path, click Next to proceed.

📤 After the export, you will be presented with a link to the export file.

The Local Code System is exported in our standard format.

Fixed-format Excel

When exporting using our fixed Excel format, each Local Code System is exported into a separate Excel worksheet and an index sheet is generated as the first tab to allow convenient navigation. The sheets containing the Local Code System includes the following sections:

  1. Local Code System metadata: Name*, Short name*, Code system ID, Code system version, Description, Maintaining organization link, Comments

  2. Property definitions (Name*, Cardinality*, Type*, Default value, Validation expression, Validation message)

  3. Codes where each code is exported into a row starting with the mandatory properties (Code, Term) followed by the custom property values